Monday 21 December 2009


i browsed thru some Facebook photos and saw my ex-TEENz cell member in some of the Thailand mission trip photos, and I cried.

last sunday he came looking for me @ english service, just to tell me abt his trip & how he donated most of his spending money to the church. still has the usual reservation & insecurity in his eyes, but i can see that he has slowly opened up.. praise God.

I thank God and truly am grateful to see the first fruits of impacting a teenager's life, and I am comforted that those years spent with the little ones, however insignificant they may be, are never wasted.

Saturday 12 December 2009


I wonder what to do with a person who can sing, write, play drums and talk a bit.. Close friend's fiance told me that was it because of drumming that nobody noticed that i can sing & harmonise well. And there were some bloggers & past awards that say I can write well. my manager say i can work well in regards to corporate tax compliance. And some of my friends said I can talk well in certain areas, my manager encouraged me to join the toastmasters club to improve my speech & leadership skills.

I feel that at 24, there's much more room for growth but I don't know where to go or develop it for personal satisfaction & for the glory of your name. Sometimes I just felt that I should be some place else, or was I avoiding life or experiencing common discontentment.